Session Information


Notes on Preservative


To use treated wood appropriately, you need to fully understand your treatment options and how to select and specify material for different uses. Note that model results will be different for each preservative.

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Regulatory Limits

Notes on Benchmark preset

Benchmark preset

The default selection is for "Washington State Benchmarks" for water and sediment in freshwater and marine environments. However, these may be adjusted to suit your region by selecting "Custom Benchmarks".

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Notes on Benchmark limits

5.1. Freshwater Benchmarks - Acute | Chronic

Notes on Copper

Notes on Arsenic

Notes on Chromium

Notes on Zinc

Notes on Creosote (PAH)

Notes on PENTA

Notes on PROP

Notes on TEB

Notes on IMID

Notes on DDAC

5.2. Marine Water Benchmarks - Acute | Chronic

Notes on Copper

Notes on Arsenic

Notes on Chromium

Notes on Zinc

Notes on Creosote (PAH)

Notes on PENTA

Notes on PROP

Notes on TEB

Notes on IMID

Notes on DDAC

5.3. Freshwater Sediment Benchmarks

Notes on Copper

Notes on Arsenic

Notes on Chromium

Notes on Zinc

Notes on Creosote (PAH)

Notes on PENTA

Notes on PROP

Notes on TEB

Notes on IMID

Notes on DDAC

5.4. Marine Sediment Benchmarks

Notes on Copper

Notes on Arsenic

Notes on Chromium

Notes on Zinc

Notes on Creosote (PAH)

Notes on PENTA

Notes on PROP

Notes on TEB

Notes on IMID

Notes on DDAC



Notes on Piling retention

Piling Retention

Enter the preservative retention in the piling provided by the producer.

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Notes on Number of pilings in a row paralleling the currents

Number of pilings in a row paralleling the currents

Enter the number of piling in rows that most closely parallel the current vector.

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Notes on Number of piling bents

Number of piling bents

Enter the number of rows of pilings.

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Notes on Average piling radius

Average piling radius

Enter the average radius of the piling used in the project. For most projects, the value for this input will be between 2 and 11.8 in.

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Notes on Distance between piling in a row paralleling the currents

Distance between piling in a row paralleling the currents

Enter the average distance between the centers of pilings driven in rows paralleling the currents.

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Immersed Lumber

Notes on Surface area of sawn lumber that is immersed at Mean High Water (MHW)

Surface area of sawn lumber that is immersed at mean high water (MHW)

This requires access to the project plans. Sum the surface areas of all sawn lumber (all wood excepting piling) that is immersed when the tide is less than or equal to MHW.

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Notes on Immersed lumber retention

Immersed lumber retention

When available, enter the average measured retention provided by the treated wood producer. When that information is not available, enter the retention specified for this use in the latest version of the American Wood Protection Standards.

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Rainwater exposed lumber and piling

Notes on Surface area of sawn lumber and piling above MHW exposed to rainfall

Surface area of sawn lumber and piling above mean high water (MHW) exposed to rainfall

Enter the surface area (cm^2) of all piling and lumber in the structure that is above MHW and exposed to rainfall. For piling the surface area is that area located on all perimeters of the structure. For each perimeter piling, this is pi*r*height above MHW because only the outer half of the piling is exposed to rain. The inner half is assumed to be under the structure. This is provided only as a guide and special circumstances, such as the use of pin piling will require other approaches.

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Notes on Above water lumber retention

Above water lumber retention

This is generally the same as the Immersed Lumber Retention.

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Box dimensions

Notes on Box width or width of a stream channel under an overhead structure

Box width or width of a stream channel under an overhead structure

The box width may be less than the structure’s width when the structure is oriented at an angle to the prevailing currents.

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Notes on Mean water depth in the box (measured as the depth at MHW in tidal systems)

Mean water depth in the box (measured as the depth at mean high water (MHW) in tidal systems)

This is the mean depth of water within the box.

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Notes on Maximum tidal current speed or Vharmonic

Maximum tidal current speed or V_harmonic

Current speeds can be measured with a number of staff mounted or weighted electromagnetic or mechanical devices. For most projects, the value for this input will be between 0 and 11.8 in/sec.

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Notes on Steady state current speed or Vss

Steady state current speed or V_ss

The same methods described for Maximum tidal current speed or V_harmonic are appropriate for determining steady state current speeds. For most projects, the value for this input will be between 0 and 11.8 in/sec.

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Water characteristics

Notes on Average annual water temperature

Average annual water temperature

For purposes of evaluating long-term sediment accumulation of contaminants, an average annual temperature is appropriate. For most projects, the value for this input will be between 5 and 27.5 degrees C.

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Notes on Freshwater pH

Freshwater pH

This can be measured using any one of the available field or laboratory pH meters. For most projects, the value for this input will be between 5 and 9 std. pH units.

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Notes on Water hardness

Water hardness

Water hardness is important for determining the bioavailability and toxicity of metals in freshwaters. For most projects, the value for this input will be between 0 and 125 mg/L.

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Notes on Salinity


Salinity can be measured electrometrically using any one of a number of salinity and/or conductivity meters (Standard Method 2520) or by titration in the laboratory (SM 210C). Waters having a salinity < 2.0 PSU are considered freshwaters. For most projects, the value for this input will be between 0 and 40 ppt.

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Notes on Background dissolved copper concentration

Background dissolved copper concentration

Copper is typically evaluated in a laboratory using inductively coupled plasma (ICP) (EPA Method 200.7). For most projects, the value for this input will be between 0 and 17 μg Cu/L.

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Notes on Background dissolved arsenic concentration

Background dissolved arsenic concentration

Aquatic organisms are less sensitive to arsenic, zinc and chromium than they are to copper. For most projects, the value for this input will be between 0 and 360 μg As/L.

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Notes on Background dissolved chromium concentration

Background dissolved chromium concentration

Dissolved chromium is determined using EPA Method 200.7. For most projects, the value for this input will be between 0 and 548.7 μg Cr/L.

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Notes on Background dissolved zinc concentration

Background dissolved zinc concentration

Zinc is typically evaluated using inductively coupled plasma (ICP) (EPA Method 200.7). For most projects, the value for this input will be between 0 and 114.5 μg Zn/L.

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Notes on Background dissolved penta concentration

Background dissolved penta concentration

Pentachlorophenol is not typically found outside of industrial areas or in some cases adjacent to railway rights of way. For most projects, the value for this input will be between 0 and 13 μg penta/L.

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Rainfall characteristics

Notes on Annual rainfall

Annual rainfall

Rainfall data is available from the U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in soil surveys or from National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA). For most projects, the value for this input will be between 0 and 98.4 in/year.

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Notes on Storm event

Storm event

Trial runs with the model suggest that contaminated rainwater runoff from pressure treated wood structures during storm events has little effect on the predicted concentration of contaminants in water–unless unrealistic amounts of rainwater runoff are introduced to a small body of water whose flow does not respond to the storm. For most projects, the value for this input will be between 0 and 2 in/hour.

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Notes on Duration of the storm event

Duration of the storm event

The length of the storm event is entered here. Because water body flows are not programmed (in the model) to increase during storm events, this input has little effect on predicted concentrations. For most projects, the value for this input will be between 0 and 36 hours.

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Sediment characteristics

Notes on Sediment total organic carbon

Sediment total organic carbon (TOC)

TOC should be measured in sediments whenever either creosote or pentachlorophenol treated wood is proposed and a site specific assessment is required. For most projects, the value for this input will be between 0 and 5 percent.

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Notes on Sediment density

Sediment density

The recommended value of 2.6 g/cm^3 should not be changed unless site specific information indicates otherwise. For most projects, the value for this input will be between 2 and 4.3 g/cm^3.

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Notes on Sediment redox potential for penta

Sediment redox potential for penta

This endpoint should be determined for all projects involving either creosote or pentachlorophenol treated wood. For most projects, the value for this input will be between -250 and 500 mV.

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Notes on Depth of the RPD for creosote

Depth of the redox potential discontinuity (RPD) for creosote

This endpoint should be determined for all projects involving either creosote or pentachlorophenol treated wood. For most projects, the value for this input will be between 0.5 and 4 cm.

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Notes on Background sediment copper concentration

Background sediment copper concentration

When required, triplicate samples should be analyzed in the laboratory using inductively coupled plasma (ICP) and EPA Method 6010 following a strong acid digestion. For most projects, the value for this input will be between 0 and 390 mg/kg.

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Notes on Background sediment arsenic concentration

Background sediment arsenic concentration

When required, triplicate samples should be analyzed in the laboratory using inductively coupled plasma (ICP) and EPA method 6010 following a strong acid digestion. For most projects, the value for this input will be between 0 and 57 mg/kg.

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Notes on Background sediment chromium concentration

Background sediment chromium concentration

When required, triplicate samples should be analyzed in the laboratory using inductively coupled plasma (ICP) and EPA Method 6010 following a strong acid digestion. For most projects, the value for this input will be between 0 and 260 mg/kg.

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Notes on Background sediment zinc concentration

Background sediment zinc concentration

When required, triplicate samples should be analyzed in the laboratory using inductively coupled plasma (ICP) and EPA Method 6010 following a strong acid digestion. For most projects, the value for this input will be between 0 and 410 mg/kg.

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Notes on Background sediment penta concentration

Background sediment penta concentration

When required, sediment concentrations of pentachlorophenol can be determined using EPA Method 8151 by gas chromatography with an electron capture detector (GC/ECD) to evaluate triplicate sediment samples. For most projects, the value for this input will be between 0 and 0.4 mg/kg.

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Notes on Background sediment PAH concentration

Background sediment polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentration

Sediment concentrations of PAH can be determined using either high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with EPA Method 8310 or gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analyses using EPA Method 8270. For most projects, the value for this input will be between 0 and 37.6 mg/kg.

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Notes on Days since construction for determining contaminant concentrations in water

Days since construction for determining contaminant concentrations in water

Preservative loss rates from pressure treated wood decline with time with the highest losses occurring immediately after construction. Washington State acute water quality criterion (WQC) are one hour concentrations and a user entry of 0.5 days is recommended for comparison of predictions with acute criteria (this may be different in your region). Chronic criteria are generally a four day average and a user entry of 2.0 days is recommended for comparison with these criteria.

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Notes on Anticipated lifespan of the project.

Anticipated lifespan of the project

Default is 35 years with a minimum of 10 years.

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Notes on Channel width

Channel width

Width of receiving channel of water. For projects crossing streams or those located in narrow channels, dilution zones are constrained by the boundary conditions imposed at the shoreline. The width of dilution zones will not exceed the channel width entered here.

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