Impact Statements

The water and sediment environmental impact statements included in the model output each correspond to one of five determinations regarding consultation with NOAA Fisheries. These “effect” determinations will be helpful in screening the potential impacts of the proposed project and assessing whether the project can proceed with informal or formal consultation with NOAA Fisheries.

  1. A “no effect” determination;
  2. A determination that with specific special conditions a “no effect” determination can be reached;
  3. A “may affect, not likely to adversely affect” determination which may allow consultation to be completed through informal consultation;
  4. A determination that with specific special conditions a “may affect, not likely to adversely affect” determination can be made which may allow consultation to be completed through informal consultation;
  5. A “likely to adversely affect” determination which will require formal consultation.

An “effect” determination on treated wood applications should be based on both general preservative chemical information and project site-specific conditions. The driving factors in determining the potential effects of treated wood on aquatic resources are:

  • Site specific physical, biological, and chemical conditions
  • Project design and characteristics
  • Preservative system leaching rates and biological effects
  • The transport and fate of the chemicals of concern
  • Water quality standards and benchmarks for the chemicals of concern

 The assessment process in its current draft can be used for the following types of projects that may utilize treated wood projects in the aquatic environment:

  1. Boat Docks
  2. Marinas and Wharfs
  3. Piling Dikes
  4. Automotive and Railroad Bridges
  5. Foot Bridges/Boardwalks

Note that projects involving construction in and over water may have potential impacts to NOAA trust resources unrelated to treated wood. Assessment of these related impacts are not addressed by this model and other guidance should be referenced to assess those potential effects.
